Your Dentist's Office Indianapolis discuss Effects of Soda on Healthy Teeth
Liquid candy, that’s the best way to describe soda. The average can of soda has approximately 31.8 grams of sugar, which is about equal to ten teaspoons of sugar. The average American drinks about two cans of soda in a day.
Dentist's Office in Indianapolis Explain How Soda Equals Liquid Candy
To better understand the concept of soda being liquid candy: a twelve ounce can of cola contains about 150 calories from sugar while a regular size bar of candy is approximately 200 calories from sugar. While it initially sounds better to drink one’s candy than to eat it, if two cans of sodas are consumed in a given day, the sugar consumption is 300 calories vs. the single 200 calorie chocolate bar. Given the choice of the two ‘evils’, if something sweet is wanted, the candy bar would be more beneficial. The reasons have to do with the acidity that is found in soda. Acidity is the greatest threat to your pearly whites and the high sugar content the secondary ‘evil.’