Our Services

Your Affordable Family Dentist in West Indianapolis


The entire team at Westside Family Dental love to see beautiful smiles. That is why our Indianapolis Family Dental office is committed to providing excellence in dental services and cosmetic dentistry. Having a stunning smile will make our patients look and feel great!
Westside Family Dental uses the most adequate and up-to-date technology in the dental industry. We can satisfy all of your dental needs ranging from routine check-ups to more advanced procedures. Our Dental facility offers a wide range of procedures to help with your smile makeover. Westside Family Dental is committed to providing you with the most affordable services that suit your needs and is dedicated to making patients feel relaxed and comfortable during their visits. Make an appointment with the best family and emergency dentists by contacting us today at (317) 241-9876!
We encourage you to navigate throughout our website to learn more about what we can do for you. The first step to a brighter smile is finding a reliable dentist that you can trust. Here at Westside Family Dental, our expert dentists are ready to serve you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time with questions, concerns, or if you would like to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing your smile!
Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in West Indianapolis ? Requesting an appointment at our West Indianapolis, IN family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule. Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
Patient Name*
Phone Number*
Email Address
Are you a current patient?
Best time(s) to call?
Preferred Appt Date
Preferred Appt Time
Describe the nature of your appointment or any other comments
Contact Us

Have a question or comment? Fill out the Contact Us form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. By filling out this form, I consent to receive text messages, emails, and/or phone calls from this office.

Westside Family Dental
4318 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis IN 46241
Phone: (317) 241-9876
Email Address